
2月 10, 2017 えいごism 編集部




Somehow I can’t believe there are any heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C’s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy.

Walt Disney / American filmmaker and entertainer (1901–1966)

Walt Disney created an entire world of movies that are loved by people all over the world. He created a huge and powerful business empire. He was a man of large vision and dreams. He believed that people can climb to great heights. He believed that people can achieve great things in life.

According to Disney, the secret to success is found in four qualities that begin with the letter C: curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy. What do these mean?

Curiosity means that you are always interested in new things. You are always excited to learn! Confidence means having faith in yourself and your ideas. Courage means being brave. A courageous person isn’t afraid to take risks . . . and if you believe in yourself, it’s easy to be brave! Constancy means not giving up. It means working hard, even when life is difficult.

These “four C’s” certainly worked for Walt Disney . . . just think about everything he did! Maybe you should consider the four C’s yourself.

「夢を実現する秘訣を知っている人さえ到達できない高地があるなんて、私にはどうしても信じ難い。夢をかなえる秘訣は4 つのC―好奇心(curiosity)、自信(confidence)、勇気(courage)、継続(constancy)―に集約されると考える。

ウォルト・ディズニー / アメリカの映画製作者、エンターテイナー( 1901–1966 )


ディズニーによれば、成功の秘訣はアルファベットのCで始まる4 つの要素―好奇心( curiosity )、自信( confidence)、勇気( courage)、継続( constancy )―に集約されるという。それぞれの意味を考えてみよう。


この4つのC は、間違いなくウォルト・ディズニーの力となった。彼の人生は素晴らしいものだった! あなたも、この4 つのC を自分自身のものにしてみよう。





